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Post  GolfFlames Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:29 pm


Nå er serveren oppe igjen Very Happy

Litt info om serveren:
*Auto save = 5 min
*Keep backup = 168 hours
*Auto restart = 240 min
*Auto backup = 30 min

*default: /help,/sethome,/home,/spawn,/me,/motd
*vip: /msg,/playerlist,/warp,/compass,/tell,/m,/who
*mods: /listwarps,/item,/setwarp,/tp,/banip,/ban,/kick,/tphere,/s,/i
*admin: *

* /help [Page] - Shows a list of commands. 7 per page.
* /playerlist - Shows a list of players
* /reload - Reloads config
* /listbans <IP or bans> - Gives a list of bans
* /banip [Player] <Reason> - Bans the player's IP
* /unbanip [IP] - Unbans the IP
* /ban [Player] <Reason> - Bans the player
* /unban [Player] - Unbans the player
* /mute [Player] - Toggles mute on player.
* /tp [Player] - Teleports to player. Credits to Zet from SA
* /tphere [Player] - Teleports the player to you
* /kick [Player] <Reason> - Kicks player
* /item [ID] [Amount] <Player> - Gives items
* /kit [Kit] - Gives a kit. To get a list of kits type /kit
* /listwarps - Gives a list of available warps
* /home - Teleports you home
* /sethome - Sets your home
* /setspawn - Sets the spawn point to your position.
* /me [Message] - * hey0 says hi!
* /msg [Player] [Message] - Sends a message to player
* /spawn - Teleports you to spawn
* /warp [Warp] - Warps to the specified warp.
* /setwarp [Warp] - Sets the warp to your current position.
* /removewarp [Warp] - Removes the specified warp.
* /getpos - Displays your current position.
* /compass - Gives you a compass reading.
* /time [Time|day|night] - Changes time
* /lighter - Gives you a lighter for lighting furnaces
* /motd - Displays the MOTD
* /modify [player] [key] [value] - Type /modify for more info
* /whitelist [operation (add or remove)] [player]
* /reservelist [operation (add or remove)] [player]

Om Sikkerheten:
*/register <password>
*/login <password>
*/pass <oldpass> <newpass>

Har også satt på logging, altså nå logge den hver eneste command eller tekst som blir skrevet på serveren.



Posts : 76
Join date : 2010-09-17

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